to speak on:
"How To Raise Kind Kids:
10 Things Parents Can Do"
"Preventing Peer Cruelty and Promoting Kindness:
20 Things Schools Can Do"
"Educating for Character: Strategies that Work"

Tom Lickona personalizes the principles and practices of character development with real-life stories from his experiences as a parent, parent educator, and professional psychologist. Parents and educators need to experience Tom's calm and confident delivery of the good news that they do can do this! As a parent, I felt empowered and inspired after reflecting on my notes.”
—Patricia Meacham
Department of Teaching and Learning
University of San Diego

Awesome as always. Lots of practical ideas.”
Seen him at least three times in the past few years—never disappoints.”
Extremely informative and realistic.”
Inspiring—he spurs me on.”
—Participant comments
2017 Character Matters Conference
University of San Diego

Tom Lickona’s personal presence, expertise, and enthusiasm has consistently made him my colleagues’ favorite teacher trainer and speaker. He is highly organized, attentive to his audience, and full of activities that educators understand and are enthusiastic about using.”
—David Streight
Resident Scholar, Heart of Character
former Executive Director,
Council for Spiritual & Ethical Education

Tom Lickona is always an articulate, clear, and insightful presenter. As a thought leader in the field, he can command the attention of a large auditorium for a keynote address or a small group of educators for an entire day’s workshop. His wisdom and clarity keep people focused and learning and challenged. One always walks away wanting more.”
—Dr. Marvin Berkowitz
Sanford McDonnel Professor of Character Education, University of Missouri at St. Louis;
Director, Leadership Academy for Character Education

I was fortunate to hear Tom Lickona speak to the Leadership Academy of Character Education. It was powerful and practical. As in his books, Tom gives educators simple strategies that have a big impact.”
—Robert Lescher
Busch Middle School
(National School of Character)

Dr. Lickona is one of the most inspiring, transformative, and congruent men I have ever been blessed to know. His proposals have radically improved the philosophy of our school community and our families."
—Ana María Delgado
Chihuahua Campus Middle School,
Monterrey Tec University
(International School of Character)

It is always a joy listening to Tom. It is constant learning. He has so much of value to share—you want to write down every bit of knowledge so you won't forget!"
—Ana Cristina Barousse,
middle school teacher
2017 Character Education Conference
Chihuahua, Mexico

Dr. Lickona is a true expert in the field of character education. He is an excellent writer, an articulate speaker, and most importantly, an authentic model of good character.”
—Amy E. Johnston
former principal,
Francis Howell Middle School
(National School of Character)

People usually think it is hard to teach character education. Dr. Lickona is so good at making it easy and concrete. From 2013 to 2017, I had the honor to invite him to Taiwan to give workshops for parents and educators. Hundreds of participants, like me, were so touched and inspired by his passion, sincerity, and humbleness. Parents said things like, 'He helped me to open up my heart to listen to my children' and 'I learned how to solve problems with my children in a fair and open way.' If character education is a way of living, he truly sets a wonderful example.”
—Grace Liou
National Hsinchu University of Education, Taiwan